Saturday 19 March 2016

LCARS 47 Time Beacon

Those of you that have been asking about our stardate system, this post is for you!

Here's our brand new time beacon. This stardate system is standardised starting 6 months after the events of Nemesis and will be used throughout LCARS 47. We developed a system that takes off where Star Trek left whilst maintaining the integrity of canon dates the best we can. Please note that the stardate new year is May 24 (leap year depending).

It will not work alongside other calculators that are using present day times (-335218), Star Trek Online's system (which is about 40 years after Nemesis) or any other made-up system.

Use of this system is granted for any non-commercial purposes, just make a note that you're using the "LCARS 47 Time Beacon" in your documentation. Commercial use is prohibited. That means you may not use this system as part of paid apps or apps containing ads.

Special thanks to Martin Gillow for his work on the Time Beacon page.

Welcome to 2380.

Click or Scan the image above to be 
directed to the LCARS 47 Time Beacon

Edit: 8th of April 2016

Due to an unexpected popularity regarding the T ime Beacon, we are no longer accepting individual formula requests by email as responding to each has become prohibitively time consuming. We will instead release the formula along with LCARS 47 version 6.5.

Tuesday 15 March 2016

Feature-Packed 6.5

These videos are becoming a regular thing... This one shows two instances of LCARS 47 v6.5 running on twin touchscreens. Dual touchscreens really make the transporter controls an energizing experience... The helm module is also spread across two monitors.

The cursor pads at either side of the touchscreens are part of the helm module in Vexillum, which will work in tandem with Prolixus. 6.5 will support up to six monitors for you to mix and match Vexillum and Prolixus as you desire. If that's not enough, they'll also work over a LAN with other computers running LCARS 47. Want more? If you have an Android smartphone or tablet, then there's Expeditus, which will of course also connect to LCARS 47 running on your LAN. Because why wait for the 24th century?

Working on the medical systems today, starting with that classic "Patient Biomedical Status" seen frequently in Voyager. Convincing readouts are difficult to achieve, theatrically, so a whole day was spent getting this "right" (enough)...

As requested, here's a link to the monitor we used in videos:

Tuesday 8 March 2016

Brand New Video Updates

This video shows one of the new features for version 6.5, the transporter control panel. The module is designed to span two monitors. However cycling between each "half" of the module is possible as demonstrated here for those of you that don't have multiple monitor setups.

This video shows 3 of the most recognisable LCARS readouts, the Subspace Scan Analysis, the Forward Navigational Scan, and the Local Memory Allocation as well as a peek at the new directory system coming to 6.5.

Sunday 6 March 2016

Set a course for... 6.5.

It's been asked for, it's been demanded of us, and now, it's getting a green light... The helm. No, not that Forward Navigational Scan, I'm talking of the actual helm. There will be two variants hitting 6.5. One version based on those gorgeous Enterprise-D panels, and one based on the helm of the Voyager. 

Now, we know what you're thinking... "But Eleanor", I hear (probably) "those panels are wider than the average monitor!", you exclaim (maybe). Well, just like the transporter, the Enterprise styled helm will require two instances of Prolixus running on a dual monitor setup (pictured below).

Now, we know that the image above isn't strictly accurate; I had to take considerable artistic licence to make the design fit the monitors. I took the liberty of adding an auxiliary readout to the lower left side of the helm and added an overall touch-up to the GUI to bring it closer to Prolixus than the early TNG stuff it's based on. Remember, we're going for a Post Nemesis era refit Galaxy style of LCARS.

Next, is my personal favourite. I have been wanting to do this for 10 years. It's the helm of the Voyager (below). She requires three instances of Vexillum (four if you add the Forward Navigational Scan readout monitor) and two instances of Prolixus. That's five (or six) monitors. That's a big ask, we know, but we're giving you the ability to put together the Voyager's helm... 

As the picture to the left will show, the helm will support the alert feature, so they'll all go red when you call those famous words.

And finally, I've received tonnes of feedback from previous images regarding those typos. Yes, I know they're alarmingly frequent, but sometimes they slip by since the text is often an afterthought during the concept stage. Any text will be subject to the same quality control inspection when we move to QA testing.

That's all for now.