The idea for developing such a program like this hit me way back when I was (still) using Windows 98. I thought I'd develop an LCARS, something. So I messed around with PowerPoint 2000 as it was the only thing I knew how to use and created some weird thing that almost looked like LCARS. Although it looked poor, it was a start. I found various programs on the Internet, but other than a few things compiled in VisualBasic, there weren't many 'complete' LCARS programs. Although they were great, I didn't want a system shell so I could use my Windows Control Panel in an LCARS adaptation, I wanted to go to Red Alert and beam someone (probably no one) up, lock photons and fire. I found nothing. Then, I found that people were using this miracle program called, simply, 'Flash', I'd seen this program in use on websites and interactive CDs, but I would never have thought it possible to do something near to what I wanted. So, after thinking for a few 3 seconds, I decided that Flash was the way forward. But, there was one problem, I knew jack about Flash.
Having just gotten round to really watching Star Trek: Nemesis, I got to work on Version 3 (right). Simplistic, and never finished, it's source files and templates are now inhabiting my archive.
In 2011, the LCARS you've all come to love, Version 5 was born (left, right). This was it. The final version. After this, I planned to leave LCARS altogether. This was gonna be the ultimate LCARS app. And it didn't disappoint. Thousands of people really came out in support of its development. Having suffered a few setbacks, it did however come into danger when I was taken ill. I planned to ax its development in September, 2011. Fortunately, due to the sheer response, canceling it became out of the question and so the development continued until its early release in late November.
Peace, Love and Prosper.
I then discovered the holy grale of LCARS, the LCARS Standard Development Board (LSDB). Still knowing jack about Flash, I downloaded a demo of LOSS 8 and was immiediatly blown to warp 9 - an awsome replication. There was one problem, it was only a demo.
Since upgrading to Windows Vista, I got a neat program called Flash MX and looked stupid very quickly when I tried to use it. I went off to do something else. After a month or 18 of the MX setup lurking on the hard drive of my backup compuer which I was using as an Archive, I installed it - again, I sat down and assimilated the program and after 20 minutes of absorbing the program, I got to work on the first "screen" I ever made; it was the product of about 12 minutes (above, right). It was just meant to be a practice, but I got carried away, learning as I went on.
I've made a few apps here and there, retiring each as I progressed. Version 2 (left) was really quite promising and even spilled out into the Windows environment with its bundled skins for Windows Media Player. This was the first interactive LCARS 47 app. Sadly the source code no longer exists, and the compiled EXE seems to have met its fate during a hardware failure - although there are surviving templates, some of which are still in use today. During this development, I met my now best friend, Greig Isles, who back then helped me beta test the app.

Version 4 (left) was intended to be a mobile app for tablet PCs, but alas, got put on permanent hiatus.

I got so into the development of LCARS 47 Version 5, I started making sketches of a possible Version 6, and it soon became clear that the planned final version was probably not the last in its line. Version 6 is now in full development and should be released in spring of 2012.
Over the past 5 or so years, I've met a large number of people, most of which I now consider close personal friends. Hopefully, with LCARS 47, I can do my bit to promote the truly remarkable, positive message that Star Trek has.
Peace, Love and Prosper.