Sunday, 19 October 2014

LCARS 47 Version 6.5 Update

Hi guys. Here's a quick update regarding the development of LCARS 47, version 6.5. The development is going well and we are pleased to announce that both Microsoft Windows and Mac OSX will be fully supported. The features will be consistent between the Windows and OSX versions. The only exception will be the VoiceCommand feature, which will require a bit of creativity on the OSX platform.

 Here's a quick list of confirmed features to hit 6.5.
  • Multiple monitor support as standard
  • Drydock version III
    • Multiple ship class customization (with five ships available at launch and more to follow)
  • Multiple ship profiles, which allows you to have more than one ship saved. This includes
    • Multiple ship classes
    • Independent names and registries for each ship profile
    • Independent logs for each ship profile
  • Theatrical mode, which disables the deactivate and settings buttons inside LCARS 47. This feature was added for those that use LCARS 47 at conventions and want to prevent the application being closed by users
  • Ambient sounds are making a return. This was a feature that many users requested be re-added
  • The "Jukebox" media player (below).
There will be many more features added and more information will be posted as we work through our list.

Drydock III

In Drydock-related news, I can also confirm that the artwork is coming along nicely. We're nearing completion of the first five ship classes, the Galaxy, Nova, Intrepid, Sovereign, and Prometheus. 

As part of our quality assurance, we've optimized the way we do our artwork, which means we can add way more detail (as seen in the image to the left) than in the previous Drydock iteration. And yes, in true LCARS 47 traditions, Easter eggs are plenty. Have fun finding them all (although we will not be keeping a record of what, how many, and where they are).

Please note: these screenshots are of a current development and may include errors or omissions, and may not reflect the final product.